

Investigate the latest scientific developments in the field of weight management.

The growth and loss of hair can depend on a number of factors. One of the factors is iron deficiency. Iron is also needed for hair as it contributes to haemoglobin synthesis. Balancing the right amount of iron by following a balanced diet or through supplements is very helpful to control the high level of […]

An important factor in controlling body weight is hormones. Hormones such as insulin, cortisol, oestrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormone can all have an impact on weight. Unbalanced hormones might cause weight gain.

Diabetic retinopathy, is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. It affects the light-sensitive tissues at the back of the eye. Over time, this damage can lead to vision problems and

One risk factor for urinary incontinence (UI) is obesity, particularly for stress incontinence. Weight loss has been shown to dramatically reduce UI symptoms. Speak with your doctor if UI worries you. It

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux, is a common digestive condition where stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus. This backward flow of acid irritates the lining of the

Type 3 diabetes describes a form of diabetes that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Insulin resistance and insulin deficiency may play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s which leads to cognitive

Have you ever spent some time trying to find out why you want to lose weight?  Having a clear reason and motivation helps you to achieve your goal. In fact this is

The author discusses the connection between hypothyroidism and weight management. While a sluggish thyroid can make weight loss difficult, the author emphasises that a balanced diet and proper nutrition are key to

The author explains fatty liver disease and its causes. They emphasise that maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for managing the condition. The text advises a plant-based, whole-foods diet rich in fruits,

Introduction The most common endocrine disorder is polycystic ovary syndrome which affects 5 – 20% of women of childbearing age. PCOS is also the cause for infertility in women. The diagnosis of

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The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
TLOEC team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
The London Obesity Clinic team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
A member of The London Obesity team
A member of The London Obesity team
TLOEC team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
The London Obesity team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
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