

Investigate the latest scientific developments in the field of weight management.

Indians are changing towards a better, healthier lifestyle, as there is a growing interest in wellness. Due to the increased number of non-communicable diseases, preventive measures to live healthier lives have become important.  In recent years, the wellness industry has grown significantly towards holistic lifestyle changes and growing awareness among Indians on physical, mental, and […]

Creatine as an ergogenic aid Needless to say, creatine is a popular ergogenic aid (a substance which improves sports performance). Studies have shown that the consumption of creatine supplements can help improve

Insulin resistance is influenced by factors like genetics, lifestyle habits, visceral fat, excessive fructose intake, and physical inactivity. Visceral fat disrupts insulin function, while high fructose consumption contributes to fatty liver and

Understanding muscles Muscles are soft tissues which help with locomotion of the body. There are more than 650 muscles in the body. They can be of 3 types – Skeletal muscles, smooth

Metabolism is a vital process that powers essential bodily functions by converting energy from food. A higher metabolic rate helps burn more calories, even at rest, and is influenced by factors like

Obesogens can disrupt the body’s metabolism, leading to weight gain. These chemicals can interfere with hormone production, fat accumulation, and appetite regulation, ultimately altering the body’s set point for weight gain. Various

Fatty liver disease occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver, leading to inflammation and potential scarring. It is commonly associated with obesity, poor diet, and excessive alcohol consumption. The condition can

Type 2 Diabetes has become a global pandemic. The prevalence of diabetes keeps growing every day. We know diabetes is treatable by making some lifestyle changes. But do you know that bad

After pregnancy, managing your weight in a healthy way involves focusing on a balanced diet, hydration, physical activity, and self-care. A well-balanced diet rich in protein,carbohydrates,healthy fats, and vitamins is essential to

Diabulimia is an eating disorder specific to individuals with Type 1 diabetes, characterised by intentionally skipping insulin doses and restricting food intake to control body weight. This condition is more common in

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The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
TLOEC team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
The London Obesity Clinic team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
A member of The London Obesity team
A member of The London Obesity team
TLOEC team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
The London Obesity team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
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