

Master the art of portion control and understand your hunger.

Allergy is an immunological disturbance, which can be caused by food, dust, drug or any other environmental particles. Food allergy is a problem world wide. It can be overwhelming to buy food with food products. Shopping can be made easy by careful planning, paying attention to the details and reading food labels.  In this blog, […]

All the three diets—Ayurvedic, Yogi, and Pranic—focus on the mind, body, and spirit to promote holistic well-being. In this blog, I will explain the fundamental interrelationship between Ayurveda, Pranic, and Yogic diets—a

Let’s celebrate “Hot Chocolate Day” with a cosy mug of indulgent hot chocolate! As you enjoy its warmth, let me share its delightful history and health benefits. Originating from Central America, hot

This article discusses Orthorexia Nervosa (ON), a pathological obsession with “healthy” or “clean” eating, which is not officially recognised as an eating disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. ON involves an extreme fixation on

Butter coffee also known as “bulletproof coffee,” is still debatable as far as health benefits go. While some people express concerns about the product’s nutritional makeup and possible adverse effects, others are

Cinnamon, a spice derived from the bark of a bushy evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family.  It is native to several countries such as India, Burma and other South American countries. Different

We as pet parents find it hard to resist those puppy dog eyes especially when we sit at the dining table and our beloved pooch whines to get a taste off our

The “dessert stomach” phenomenon is explained by Sensory-Specific Satiety (SSS), emphasising the decline in pleasure with continuous consumption of a specific food. Diversifying diets is crucial for sustained enjoyment. Eating a variety

Dive into the Pongal Panorama: A Four-Day Fiesta of Flavor, Flames, and Farmyard Frolic! Brace yourself for a journey into the vibrant mosaic of Pongal, a Southern Indian spectacle that transcends the

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a commendable decision, but the path to success is often riddled with challenges. In this blog, we’ll explore effective strategies and practical tips on how

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The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Marylebone Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Richmond Life
The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
The London Obesity Clinic featured in Mayfair Life
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
Dr. Rajeswaran discussing how diabetes is helped by weight loss
TLOEC team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
The London Obesity Clinic team on takeaways affecting the health of the Kirklees residents
A member of The London Obesity team
A member of The London Obesity team
TLOEC team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
The London Obesity team discussing the size of caskets in the UK getting bigger in the Metro
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