Why Ordinary Voices Change the World

There’s great power and beauty in the “ordinary”.

As I sit here alone in my room, there’s no company but the echoes of an otherworldly request percolating through my mind, instructing me to write. This particular nudge has come to me at various points over the past few years, both through inward intuition and outwardly from people who have been guiding lights in my life. I will share more about them in due course, with proper context to afford them the respect they deserve.

At this moment, the only question remains: write about what? 

Have I done anything remarkable to speak of? Am I so special that people simply must know what’s going on in this grey matter? Are my so-called mystical experiences or spiritual realisations so meaningful that they may resonate with or benefit anyone else besides me? 

The answer to all the above is, probably not. 

There is much to be grateful for but I’ve always naturally given top billing to God and my loved ones, whom I see as expressions of Divine Love in my life. This has been the case for as long as I remember. 

Even the failures, pain and curve-balls, of which there have been many, have propelled me towards this exact moment where I’m wondering …what am I supposed to say?

I have outlined my “spiritual journey” in a separate article, but now that it’s time to delve deeper, I don’t want to be frivolous about my shares. It likely doesn’t help to be a highly reserved and private individual, but I’m certain that my instruction to write is with the purpose of helping others and that soul command will take precedence over such personal discomfort.

The key is to find a balance between honouring this duty and respecting the sacredness of those more transformative experiences. I hope I can do justice to both. 

As most of what I write flows intuitively, I’m sometimes surprised with what ends up on the page! Here we go.

The magic of human creative potential

I’ve always marvelled at human creativity and as a child, loved to participate in creative endeavours where possible, including dancing, poetry, storytelling, music etc. However, it’s only in recent years that I’ve grown to appreciate why this fondness persists. It’s not for pleasure, relaxation, beauty or pride in one’s own accomplishment, although all are valid pursuits. 

There’s a childlike wonder at how we humans have the capacity to create absolutely anything conceivable, from basically nothing at all! It all starts with an idea, a thought. Those thoughts can, if expressed and if they pick up enough steam, bring us life-changing advancements in knowledge and even shape entire civilisations.

This potential lies within all of us but is quite often dormant. Among those who express it outwardly, they do so at varying degrees. The magic is still there though and it’s ours for the taking.

Why ‘ordinary’ voices are some of the most powerful

Everyone has a voice. Not everyone uses it. 

Everyone has a story. Not everyone tells it.

Everyone is special. Not everyone knows it.

Many people don’t feel that they have anything worthy to share and therefore, they don’t. It’s true that you may know people so irritating that you’re thinking, they surely don’t need to speak up anymore than they already do!

However, as a society, we are missing out on countless tales of courage, endurance, love, kindness and day-to-day miracles, simply because people deem their stories too insignificant to share. Or they fear being judged and ridiculed, even by people who wouldn’t notice if they disappeared from the face of the Earth tomorrow.

Social media may be a double-edged sword, but it goes a long way to bridge this communication gap. For every story of heroic determination or compassionate deeds, there are numerous souls in the comments section feeling uplifted and moved to tears, having their faith in humanity restored. Why? Because at the deepest level, we are all interconnected. We are all one. Why else would we get so much joy and fulfilment from seeing good things happen to strangers? 

As a whole, we need to see, hear and speak more of these things. However seemingly trivial it may be, one person’s inspiring anecdote may be the spark needed for another to turn their life around. 

Even the smallest embers of kindness can sweep through humanity as roaring flames of love.

And before anyone thinks, “but I’m just a nobody…” or “I’m only an ordinary person…”

So am I. 

And this nobody will keep writing because somewhere out there, someone needed to hear this today.

Maybe it was me.

Kiruthika Rajeswaran,
Co-Founder & Creative Owl, Simplyweight

Originally posted on Substack: https://beshunya.substack.com/p/why-ordinary-voices-change-the-world

The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic specialises in Weight Loss and Endocrine disorders at the Specialist Weight Loss Centre in Chennai, India. We offer face to face and virtual consultations with our specialist clinical lead, Dr Rajeswaran, who has 25+ years experience in this field. We support people with Obesity related medical conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, and Endocrine disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PCOD, Hirsutism, Adrenal Dysfunction, Menopause, Pituitary problems and Sexual Dysfunction. Our services predominantly cover major cities in India including New Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and Pune. Many of our patients say that we are the best weight loss clinic or slimming centre in Chennai. We also offer aesthetic treatments including but not limited to: lymphatic drainage, deep tissue massage, Hydrafacial for treating skin conditions such as acne, sun damage and to help brighten the skin, CM Slim for muscle building and fat reduction, LED light therapy (including red light therapy) and much more. In addition,  we offer health checkups such as our Metabolic Master Health Checkup, diabetes health checkups, genetic testing and VO₂ Max testing for fitness and cardiorespiratory health. All of our aesthetics treatments and Bespoke Weight Management Plans are non-surgical solutions for weight loss and wellness. We have newly launched a Bespoke Wedding Weight Loss & Aesthetics Plan for brides & grooms to be. Get in touch to transform your life!

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