A Year Working at Simplyweight: My Story

A Year Working at Simplyweight: My Story

As I complete my first year at Simplyweight, I look back upon how much the company has helped me grow both professionally and personally. I am grateful for having found a job which suits the best of my interests.

It was August 17th 2023, when I was an eager and aspiring graduate of nutrition sciences. With the hope of taking the first step into the professional environment, I gave my first interview at Simplyweight. During the interview, I was quite intrigued by the nature of responsibility which Dr. Rajeswaran sir (Co-Founder of Simplyweight) and Kala ma’am (Managing Director) had explained. I just gave it my all and also received an offer. I was quite ecstatic and most of all relieved to get a good job in a wonderful company. On my way back as I shared the news of my new job with my family, we were all jumping with joy.

After taking sometime to myself fresh out of college, on 1st September 2024, I joined as a trainee. As I walked into our Chennai clinic, I was very nervous but thankfully the team was very supportive and helped me settle down.

My personal journey

From childhood, I always knew the type of work which I wanted to do when I grew up. I longed for a company where I had the opportunity to help people, pets, write, be creative and most of all be happy and satisfied with my job. While I was growing up, I would often come across people not happy with their jobs and complain about how they had to go to work the next day. I knew I wasn’t suited to a job that felt like an obligation rather than a passion.

I secured this job while I was towards the end of my college education and I was relieved that I did not have to ponder about what to do next. When I heard about this job vacancy, I was very eager to apply. It also felt comfortable to work at Simplyweight knowing that acquaintances from my university had joined here too.

I had just kept a foot on the career ladder and I already had the gut feeling that I was on the right track.

My professional journey

I am working with an amazing team of individuals. The first few months of work was about learning how to handle the clinic and patients, writing tasks, and patient treatments. Later, based on each of the team mate’s interests we were given individual responsibilities. So, I was assigned design tasks as well. But the best part of all was that they gave me scope to write on pets and pet nutrition as well. I was extremely happy that the wonderful management had the same mindset towards pets and patients too! We at Simplyweight believe in promoting sustainable eating which I too strongly empathise in promoting for anyone on their journey to weight loss.    

So, in this journey I have personally received the best professional guidance from an understanding management team. Dr. Rajeswaran sir, Kala ma’am, Kiruthika (Co-Founder), and Zain (Junior Digital Marketing Executive) have helped me refine and develop a holistic skill set.

1. Being honest
I have always been very honest regardless of the situation or individual. My family often advised me that I could be too direct. But, deep down I always believed that honesty is the foundation of trust. There were instances in my professional life where my bluntness caused challenges, but I am grateful for the opportunities to learn more effective communication.

2. Never overthink
I was a chronic overthinker. I would share these self-doubts with Kiruthika, Zain, Dr. Raj sir, and Kala ma’am, feeling guilty even when I wasn’t at fault. Their guidance helped me understand that overthinking is not the solution to any situation. This is also applicable to design tasks which need creativity. Thankfully, I have managed to overcome this habit.

3. Always be hungry for knowledge
In any field, to do your best, you need to have good command over the subject. A core belief we practise at Simplyweight revolves around the fact that – knowledge is power. Dr. Raj sir has taught not just me but all the dietitians at Simplyweight to enhance our knowledge base and has motivated us to be the best dietitians in India. His positive words of encouragement fuel the drive to learn more information and do my best. Kiruthika too has been my inspiration to have a positive outlook on work and life as I relate to many aspects. Her out of the box thinking inspires me and helps me strive towards doing my tasks better using an unconventional approach. 

4. Take feedback with a grain of salt
Irrespective of positive or negative feedback, I have learnt to consider it constructive criticism. I believe, and was taught that it is impossible to know everything all the time. Sometimes our work meets standards, which is great but there are still instances when we make errors. Any feedback helps evaluate our work and find ways to improve it. Simplyweight has taught me the importance of this and I am always open to growing without taking things personally

5. Have a comprehensive knowledge about everything
It is important to have good knowledge about the products or services we try to upsell to our patients, as it boosts our confidence in explaining the details. Kiruthika, Kala ma’am, and Dr. Raj sir have taught me the importance of this as it plays a crucial role in the company’s and its employees’ image.

6. Learn to value every team mate
“No man is an island,” especially at work. You cannot do your best and be productive with a single-track mind. Every individual is equally responsible for their assigned roles and duties. Working harmoniously and coordinating is essential to achieve the desired result. Kiruthika and Zain have taught me not to shy away from appreciating and congratulating every team mate on their achievement and good work. Dr. Raj sir and Kala ma’am have also taught the team and me to give each other the benefit of doubt in tough situations. I am fortunate to have an understanding management and team.

7. Practise integrity
Integrity is described as a personal choice but carries immense significance. My mother has always taught me that my word should be good. I have always held the conviction that transparency is a fundamental component of integrity. Dr. Raj sir, Kala ma’am and Kiruthika have also consistently emphasised on the value of integrity. So, I try to adhere to the principle of  “saying what I mean and meaning what I say”. This has always made me happy, confident and feel responsible for my actions. 

8. Practise perfection
I was always called a perfectionist. In some ways, I derive happiness from work when everything goes right, but at the same time, when my high expectations are not met, it disappoints me. Kiruthika helped me understand where and when perfection is truly needed and how to give myself room for mistakes and learning instead of stressing over minor issues. Paying attention to detail has definitely helped me realise that completing work to standards is more efficient.

My journey in a nutshell

Having already completed a year at Simplyweight warms my heart. Time has flown by so quickly! However, my journey as a dietetic researcher here has just completed the warm up phase and I look forward to improving my skills with this wonderful work family in the time to come.

Dietetic Researcher, Simplyweight

The London Obesity & Endocrine Clinic specialises in Weight Loss and Endocrine disorders at the Specialist Weight Loss Centre in Chennai, India. We offer face to face and virtual consultations with our specialist clinical lead, Dr Rajeswaran, who has 25+ years experience in this field. We support people with Obesity related medical conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, and Endocrine disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PCOD, Hirsutism, Adrenal Dysfunction, Menopause, Pituitary problems and Sexual Dysfunction. Our services predominantly cover major cities in India including New Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and Pune. Many of our patients say that we are the best weight loss clinic or slimming centre in Chennai. We also offer aesthetic treatments including but not limited to: lymphatic drainage, deep tissue massage, Hydrafacial for treating skin conditions such as acne, sun damage and to help brighten the skin, CM Slim for muscle building and fat reduction, LED light therapy (including red light therapy) and much more. In addition,  we offer health checkups such as our Metabolic Master Health Checkup, diabetes health checkups, genetic testing and VO₂ Max testing for fitness and cardiorespiratory health. All of our aesthetics treatments and Bespoke Weight Management Plans are non-surgical solutions for weight loss and wellness. We have newly launched a Bespoke Wedding Weight Loss & Aesthetics Plan for brides & grooms to be. Get in touch to transform your life!

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